
VITAFORT is a customer oriented company, its company policy is based on a special attention to the state of the art production technology, product quality, food security which are the main strategic ways to garantee Vitafort’s promising futur performance.

Milestones of Vitafort’s history

In the eighties

  •  1981   Complete feed production begins
  • 1984   Production capacities reach 70,000 tonnes annually, installation of new pressing lines
  • 1988   Premix plant completed
  • 1989   Vitafort ZRt. founded

In the nineties

  • 1990   Production begins in the new vitamin plant
  • 1991   UNCAA (Union InVivo) of France acquires a holding in Vitafort Co. Ltd, with 31% capital increase. The ownership has not changed since ever.1992   The new microelement production plant operates under the name of Metafort 1994   Privatisation of the joint stock company; management acquires an ownership stake of 67%
  • 1997   Commissioning of the liquid vitamin production plant
  • 1999   ISO9001: 1996

From the millennium up today

  • 2001   The new feed preparation line is completed, technological preparation for EU accession has started. Through the merger of UNCAA and SIGMA, UNION INVIVO is established in France.
  • 2002   ISO 9001: 2000
  • 2004   Modernisation of the mixing and concentrate plants in accordance with the EU’s food and feed security, as well as veterinary hygiene requirements.
  • 2004   Hungarian soy production by commissioning a high capacity dry-extruder
  • 2005   Modernisation of the chemical plant, Metafort
  • 2006   New premix plant investment project, installation of the sacking system for the concentrate production plant with help from AVOP.
  • 2007   Introduction of a new corporate management system, development of a new warehouse base, expansion of the bulk finished product and raw material system.
  • 2009   New activity – cereals trading, InVivo Trading Co. Ltd,
  • 2011   Production unit starts producing the by-pass protein product range Duo Pass
  • 2013   Industrial manufacture and marketing of Duo Pass by-pass protein product started. Implementation and sale of production know-how in France. Modernisation and extension of the microbiological laboratory,  Mikrolab Labor Ltd, Industrial engineering of modernisation of feed mills in Hungary
  • 2014   Establishment of a joint venture in Laos.