Research Center of Irrigation and Water Management (ÖVKI)

Research Center for Irrigation and Water Management (ÖVKI) of the Institute of Environmental Sciences (IES) of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE) is a long-established, internationally recognized research institution.

ÖVKI is responsible for the implementation of research programs related to agricultural water management, irrigation and rice production. The most important elements of the program are the preservation and improvement of the quality and availability of the waters, the sustainable utilization of the available water resources. Important task of the Center is to facilitate adaptation to extreme water management situations in the future, use of environmentally conscious and water-saving production technologies, as well as renewable and alternative energy sources, increase the economics of production according to local conditions.

The ÖVKI is also responsible for the development of complex programs that take into account the EU WFD, to meet ecological needs and the practical implementation of new scientific results. A key task is to promote the practical application of new scientific results and to establish close cooperation with both decision-makers and producers. The ÖVKI carries out its R+D+I activities within the framework of two research departments (Agricultural Water Management, Irrigation Development). ÖVKI manages the MATE ÖVKI Technical Research Station, the MATE ÖVKI Galambos Rice Research Station, the MATE ÖVKI Lysimeter Research Station and the MATE ÖVKI Radiological Plant Breeding Unit.

More information: https://environment.uni-mate.hu/research-center-for-irrigation-and-water-management